What started out as a busy New Year was brought to a halt with the sudden loss of our Precious Dylan. He developed Pancreatitis and after one day in the hospital we lost him. He would have been 12 years old on March 13th. These past two weeks have been devastating for our family as we try to come to terms with his passing. The joy he brought to us was phenomenal! His personality reflected his sweet, sensitive nature while his look was totally Debonair! Being the center of attention was his comfort zone as he never wanted to miss anything or be away from us. From morning to night his tail was always wagging. Like so many other pet families we experiencd a very special bond with Dylan. Although not at our sides, we feel his bond in our hearts. We will cherish our memories and forever celebrate the special love we shared. We Love you Dylan!
aMerry Little Christmas.. La Festa dell' Epifania.. and legendary Befana! I love celebrating traditions as usually it is followed with a good meal! With Christmas behind us and the New Year rung in we now have Little Christmas or the procession of The Three Kings bringing gifts to the baby Jesus celebrated today. Many towns throughout Italy celebrate starting with the legend of Befana ( the Witch woman). On the eve of the Kings procession Jan 5th children hang their stockings to see what Befana will leave for them. As the three Kings were on their journey, they stopped at a house along the way and met Befana. She was busy sweeping her house as they appeared and asked directions. They invited her along but she refused and went back to her work. Later on when she was done with her sweeping, she decided to gather up some toys she had and try and catch up to them. She took her broom and went looking for them, only to get lost herself! So as tradition has it, she still searches for them on the eve of Epifania, leaving toys and candies to good children or coal to naughty ones. After the children check their stockings there are many celebrations in the local Piazza's where families gather to serve traditional foods to visitors and guests watching the procession. ![]() An update to my Britalia Way Christmas Pudding. It was delicious and everyone loved it. I took a panettone and cut in chunks and added a jar of Cross and Blackwell Mince Pie filling, chopped dates, apples, and walnuts. I made a custard with three eggs, half and half, milk, and cinnamon, then folded it into the panettone and baked. I served it Christmas Day as a contorno (side dish) to my Ham, String Beans and Salad. If I had served it as a Dessert, I would have added a dollop of clotted cream as I originally thought. The sweet taste to the savory ham was truly a Delight! For dinner tonight I'm making a Pork tenderloin stuffed with Spinich, Pignoli Nuts and Raisins............. a meal fit for a King!!! What a Joy it is to welcome the New Year. The excitement of a new beginning, new ideas, goals and for me new experiences to share! The Christmas holidays were wonderful this year with both my Daughter Stephanie and Son Stephen visiting. My husband Rocco had scheduled vacation the week of Christmas which added to more family fun! We are a bunch of foodies and enjoy cooking together and then eating the Fruits of our labor. From the Feast of the Seven Fishes on Christmas Eve, to Ham Christmas Day, Britalia Breads and several batches of cookies we were kept busy. Dirty Martinis were enjoyed, as well as a new variety made with Clementines and Aperol Aperitivo. I use Vodka and dry Vermouth and the sweetness of the Clementines and the Aperol (great orange color), were really tasty and festive. In between cooking we enjoyed visits with friends and neighbors and played several games of Clue! Here are some of the highlights of our Holidays! May you all enjoy a Happy, Healthy New Year filled with Good Tastes, Good Times and Good Memories!
Welcome to Britalia Way! Thanks for stopping by. Please join me as I share with you a series about food, people and experiences that are special to me. English and Italian traditions are so enticing and were the inspiration for creating Britalia Way!
Regards, Denise [email protected]and follow me on...
October 2020